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    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy | Advantages and Disadvantages of Chapter 7

    Chapter 7 Bankruptcy | Advantages and Disadvantages of Chapter 7 Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows a filer to discharge – or eliminate – unsecured debt such as credit card debt, medical bills and deficiency balances due to auto repossession. Advantages to a Florida Chapter 7 filing: You receive a complete fresh start. After the bankruptcy is [...]

    By |2016-11-19T19:35:43+00:00November 19th, 2016|Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Attorney Jacksonville, Bankruptcy Lawyer Jacksonville FL, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy|Comments Off on Chapter 7 Bankruptcy | Advantages and Disadvantages of Chapter 7

      Bankruptcy Attorney | What if You Can’t Pay Your Debts?

      Bankruptcy Attorney | What if You Can't Pay Your Debts Bankruptcy Attorney.  To choose the best options when you can’t pay your debts, you must first assess your financial situation. Start by doing the following: Determine if your financial difficulty is short or long term Determine whether your property is protected by exemptions Learn about [...]

      By |2016-11-18T15:10:16+00:00November 18th, 2016|Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Attorney Jacksonville, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Attorney | What if You Can’t Pay Your Debts?

        Bankruptcy Calculator | Florida Bankruptcy Means Test

        Bankruptcy Calculator | Florida Bankruptcy Means Test Bankruptcy Calculator.  If you would like to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy you must pass the Florida means test. The test only applies to higher income filers which means that if your income is below the Florida median for your household size you are exempt from the test and [...]

        By |2016-11-16T14:18:06+00:00November 16th, 2016|bankruptcy calculator, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Calculator | Florida Bankruptcy Means Test

          Bankruptcy Attorney | Should I File Bankruptcy?

          Bankruptcy Attorney | Should I File Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy Attorney.  For many individuals, filing for bankruptcy relief can provide a way out of debt and a fresh financial start. But whether or not a bankruptcy filing is in your best interest depends on many factors and your individual circumstances. Read on to learn more about what to [...]

          By |2016-11-15T15:52:59+00:00November 15th, 2016|Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Attorney Jacksonville, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Attorney | Should I File Bankruptcy?

            Bankruptcy Lawyer | Is Bankruptcy The Way to Discharge Student Loans?

            Bankruptcy Lawyer  | Is Bankruptcy The Way to Discharge Student Loans? Bankruptcy Lawyer  |  Filing for bankruptcy is a monumental decision with long impacting financial consequences. It is not a favorite thing for someone to do. Under Federal law, one has the right to file for bankruptcy in order to get relief from creditors.—This may also [...]

            By |2016-11-10T20:14:36+00:00November 10th, 2016|Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Attorney Jacksonville|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Lawyer | Is Bankruptcy The Way to Discharge Student Loans?

              Bankruptcy Lawyer | Is it Possible to Avoid Bankruptcy

              Bankruptcy Lawyer | Is it Possible to Avoid Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Lawyer |   People file bankruptcy for many reasons.  There is always a combination of personal factors. Divorce, unemployment, shifts within one’s industries, consumer preferences drifting away from brick and mortar retail, cutbacks in funding affecting governmental employees, etc. As a matter of course, with every [...]

              By |2016-11-09T16:02:10+00:00November 9th, 2016|Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Attorney Jacksonville|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Lawyer | Is it Possible to Avoid Bankruptcy

                Bankruptcy Lawyer | 3 Things To Look For In A Bankruptcy Lawyer

                Bankruptcy Lawyer | 3 Things To Look For In A Bankruptcy Lawyer  Bankruptcy Lawyer | Bankruptcy is a difficult thing to experience. However, the bankruptcy process can be made much easier if you have an experienced lawyer on your side. A lawyer who specializes in bankruptcy cases will navigate the legal system on your behalf. Below [...]

                By |2016-11-08T16:57:01+00:00November 8th, 2016|Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Attorney Jacksonville|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Lawyer | 3 Things To Look For In A Bankruptcy Lawyer

                  Bankruptcy Lawyer | Discharging Taxes

                  Bankruptcy Lawyer | Discharging Taxes in Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Lawyer.  Bankruptcy clients who I represent in Florida, are sometimes able to discharge certain tax debts, Pinkston & Pinkston Law Firm. Personal income tax becomes dischargeable under what is commonly referred to as the ‘three year rule’ pursuant to Bankruptcy Code Section 507. There are five considerations in determining [...]

                  By |2016-11-07T15:48:47+00:00November 7th, 2016|Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Attorney Jacksonville|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Lawyer | Discharging Taxes

                    Bankruptcy Attorney | The Bankruptcy Process Explained

                    Bankruptcy Attorney | The Bankruptcy Process Explained Bankruptcy Attorney.  Five basic steps involved in filing bankruptcy from top bankruptcy attorney, Pinkston & PInkston, in Jacksonville FL, is as follows: 1. My office will require you to complete an initial consultation (with me personally) and to fill out a comprehensive questionnaire giving me all of the [...]

                    By |2016-11-06T15:38:50+00:00November 6th, 2016|Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Attorney Jacksonville|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Attorney | The Bankruptcy Process Explained

                      Bankruptcy Attorney | The Bankruptcy Process Explained

                      Bankruptcy Attorney | The Bankruptcy Process Explained Bankruptcy Attorney.  Five basic steps involved in filing bankruptcy from top bankruptcy attorney, Pinkston & PInkston, in Jacksonville FL, is as follows: 1. My office will require you to complete an initial consultation (with me personally) and to fill out a comprehensive questionnaire giving me all of the [...]

                      By |2016-11-03T15:31:14+00:00November 3rd, 2016|Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Attorney Jacksonville|Comments Off on Bankruptcy Attorney | The Bankruptcy Process Explained