Bankruptcy Lawyer | Can You Be Too Broke to File Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy Lawyer | Can You Be Too Broke to File Bankruptcy? Bankruptcy Lawyer | A decade after bankruptcy reform was passed, it seems a new group of Americans has emerged: the permanently insolvent. Too Poor for Bankruptcy When bankruptcy reform was enacted a decade ago, and the cost of filing for bankruptcy quadrupled, consumers were [...]

Bankruptcy Attorney | Don’t Believe the Myths About Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy Attorney | Don't Believe the Myths About Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Attorney | One of the foremost concerns of anyone considering filing for bankruptcy is the degree to which it will affect their credit score. This, of course, makes sense given the many myths out there on this topic and the degree to which society as [...]

Bankruptcy Lawyer | Filing an Emergency Bankruptcy Petition

Bankruptcy Lawyer | Filing an Emergency Bankruptcy Petition Bankruptcy Lawyer | Being in debt can be an overwhelming experience that can feel insurmountable and impossible. But those debt situations can become dire when you are faced with foreclosure, repossession, wage garnishment, eviction or other creditor action. If this is the situation you find yourself in, you [...]

Bankruptcy Attorney | When Should You File Bankruptcy (Pt. 1)

Bankruptcy Attorney | When Should You File Bankruptcy (Pt. 1) Bankruptcy Attorney | If you have already decided that you need to file for bankruptcy, the next question you should ask yourself is “when?” While you might feel that you need to file ASAP, in some situations, it actually makes sense to wait a little bit [...]

Bankruptcy Lawyer | Understanding a Zombie Foreclosure

Bankruptcy Lawyer | Understanding a Zombie Foreclosure Bankruptcy Lawyer | Long seen as blights on neighborhoods and bank balance sheets, it seems that things might be turning around for zombie foreclosures. Just like the big screen, real estate has seen a rise in zombies over the past couple of years. The aptly titled “zombie foreclosure” [...]

Bankruptcy Attorney | The City of L.A. Sues Wells Fargo

Bankruptcy Attorney | The City of L.A. Sues Wells Fargo Bankruptcy Attorney | According to the city of Los Angeles’ lawsuit against Wells Fargo & Co., the bank is guilty of opening unwanted accounts under clients names, then charging them with unwarranted fees. Lawsuit Against Wells Fargo The lawsuit, filed by City Atty. Mike Feuer, alleges [...]

Bankruptcy Lawyer | Paying Debt for a Deceased Spouse

Bankruptcy Lawyer | Paying Debt for a Deceased Spouse Bankruptcy Lawyer | Dealing with the loss of a deceased spouse is heartbreaking. The situation can, unfortunately, be made even harder if there is a lot of debt that needs to be resolved. Deceased Spouse and Debt Repayment Dealing with debt after the loss of your [...]

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy | Pulling Payments Back Into an Estate

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy | Pulling Payments Back Into an Estate Chapter 7 Bankruptcy | When you file bankruptcy, the court will appoint a bankruptcy trustee. The bankruptcy trustee administers the case from reviewing all of your financial paperwork to liquidating property. The trustee is obligated to try to satisfy as many creditor claims as possible [...]

Bankruptcy Attorney | Holding on to Property During Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy Attorney | Holding on to Property During Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Attorney | Facing bankruptcy can make you unsure of a lot of things. Namely, what will happen to your personal property? Because bankruptcy means you are seeking help to get back on strong financial footing, chances are you will need to forfeit some of your [...]

Bankruptcy Lawyer | Struggling with Financial Problems?

Bankruptcy Lawyer | Struggling with Financial Problems? Bankruptcy Lawyer | A few weeks back, our blog discussed how millennials were given the dubious distinction of being "the least credit savvy when compared to previous generations." We also provided some tips for millennials on how to effectively manage their finances, build credit and avoid accumulating too [...]